Spyder IDE and Windows Command Prompt

3 min readSep 18, 2020


Spyder IDE

The first thing I did in Spyder IDE was to change the theme into a different color before I start anything else. I clicked the preferences on the middle top, and changed the main interface icon theme.


Next are the 3 sections on Spyder IDE. The first one is the Code Block where we are going to write the codes. The second one is Variable Explorer and above it is the Working Directory. You can change and navigate it to any directory on your system. For this exercise, I created a folder specifically for this one.

For the output section, I tried to print “so sleepy” in the code block. To execute, press Ctrl + Enter. But if you want to run everything in one go. Press the green play button above or simple press F5.

Then I saved my file as “First_Attempt” as python. The filename was now changed.

Next, I tried to input variables like shown below. Execute again by pressing F5. After being input, the variables will show in the variable explorer.

Next, read a .csv by importing pandas first then use a function to read the .csv file I saved. When you run it, it will then create a variable as a data frame and will show its size in columns and rows.

Next was I tried to copy the data frame in the variable explorer section and pasted it on a new excel sheet to check if it actually works or just to share an analysis with someone.

Windows Command Prompt

To open the command prompt, you can click on Windows search bar, type CMD or press the windows button on you keyboard, type CMD then enter.

To go to another directory, for example, Desktop, type “cd Desktop”, and “cd ..”. To back to your previous directory. Proceed to go to the Downloads folder by (cd Downloads\Watercolor) and go straight to the watercolor folder in Downloads then finally “../..” to go all the way back.

That’s basically it! Thank you!




Written by Saraaa

I'm Sara. Yes, without the letter H. Bad at writing but I keep trying anyway.

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